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Program of study
- None -
Bachelor of Digital Communication and Marketing
Bachelor of Real Estate, Law and Business
Bachelor of Entrepreneurship and Business
Bachelor of Finance
Bachelor of Law and Business
Bachelor of Business Development and Entrepreneurship
Bachelor of International Management
Bachelor of Communication Management
Bachelor of Creative Industries Management
Bachelor of Marketing Management
Bachelor of Market Communication
Bachelor of Organisational Psychology, HR and Leadership
Bachelor of Public Relations
Bachelor of Accounting and Auditing
Bachelor of Retail Management
Bachelor of Law
Bachelor of Auditing
Bachelor of Shipping Management
Bachelor of Business Administration
Bachelor of Science in Business and Economics
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
Bachelor of Data Science for Business
Bachelor of Digital Business
Bachelor - Årsenhet i bedriftsøkonomi
Bachelor - Årsenhet i markedsøkonomi
Bachelor - Electives
Executive Bachelor of Management
Executive Master of Management
Executive Master of Management - med spesialisering i sikkerhetsledelse og kulturforståelse
Executive Master of Management - med spesialisering i skatte- og avgiftsrett
Executive Master of Management - med spesialisering i skoleledelse
Executive Master of Management in Energy
Executive Master of Management ved ISM, Litauen
Executive Master of Management ved Tsinghua, Beijing
Executive MBA
Executive MBA, Digital; Developing and Managing Digital Organisations
Executive MBA, Sustainable Business
Executive MBA, Energy
Executive MBA, Global
Executive MBA, Ocean Industries
Master of Accounting and Auditing
Master of Science in Applied Economics
Master of Science in Data Science for Business
Master of Science in Digital Communication Management
Master of Science in Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Master of Science in Finance
Master of Science in Law and Business
Master i rettsvitenskap
Master of Science in Leadership and Organisational Psychology
Master of Science in Marketing - BI/LUISS joint programme
Master of Science in Strategic Marketing Management
Master of Science in Sustainable Finance
Master of Science in Business
Master of Science in Business Analytics
Master of Science in Quantitative Finance
Master of Science in Quantitative Finance +1 model
Master thesis in Security Management and Cultural Understanding
MBA BI-Fudan, Shanghai
The program of study this user belongs to.